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Redefining Change: A Pathway to Innovation and Growth


  • According to Accenture, 96% of global organizations are planning to invest more than 5% of total revenues in change initiatives over the next three years.
  • Only 30% of C-suite leaders believe their teams are prepared to embrace change, per Accenture.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations are facing unprecedented shifts in technology, market dynamics, and the workforce. Continuous change has become an unavoidable reality. Per Accenture’s 2024 Pulse of Change Index, disruption is up 33% year-on-year.1 And as discussed in our blog post, How Insurers Can Harness the Potential of GenAI, advancements in artificial intelligence have surged over the past year with generative AI (GenAI) leading the charge. GenAI is profoundly influencing every aspect of organizations and serving as a catalyst for reinvention. In fact, Accenture reports that GenAI is the primary driver of change in the work we do, the skills we need, and our approach to handling it.

Accenture’s research reveals that a staggering 96% of global organizations are planning to invest more than 5% of their total revenues in change initiatives over the next three years – an increase of 31% from just three years ago – emphasizing the growing recognition of the importance of adaptability and reinvention in maintaining a competitive edge. Of all organizations surveyed, 95% underwent two or more transformation initiatives in the last three years, with 61% having more than four and as many as eight.2

Continuous Change and Embracing Reinvention

Despite the widespread commitment to change, there remains a significant gap between the ambition to transform and the actual ability to achieve meaningful results. Only 30% of C-suite leaders express confidence in their organization’s change capabilities, even though all of them anticipate significant changes within their workforce.2 This disparity highlights a critical challenge: while the need for change is universally acknowledged, the strategies to implement it successfully are not always well understood or consistently applied. The ability to effectively navigate change and build a resilient culture is now a critical competency leadership teams need across industries.

As the pace of change accelerates and organizations invest more than ever in transformational change, how can C-suite leaders ensure that they achieve higher, better and faster returns on their investments?

McKinsey3 has stated that resilient organizations don’t just bounce back from challenges – they bounce forward. Accenture’s recent research strongly supports this resiliency concept. They report that organizations who embrace reinvention – the ‘Reinventors’ – represent the 9% of organizations that consistently lead in leveraging technology, data, AI, and innovative work practices to drive continuous reinvention, making change an integral part of their DNA.

A Blueprint for Meaningful and Successful Organizational Change

Accenture’s report, titled “Change Reinvented: A New Blueprint for Continuous, Meaningful, Successful Change”, offers a comprehensive framework for organizations seeking to bridge the gap between change capabilities and outcomes. Divided into two capability categories – foundations and innovations – the report focuses on six key capabilities that high-performing organizations consistently apply to achieve positive results: purpose; value; experience; behavioral science; data; and influencers.

These capabilities are proven to drive success but often lack consistent application:

  • Purpose – Connecting change initiatives to the organization's core purpose and using interactive communication to foster engagement and commitment.
  • Value – Defining clear value propositions and expectations while ensuring investments are aligned with these strategic goals.
  • Experience – Designing new experiences that inspire people and create a favorable environment for continuous learning and improvement.

These capabilities represent innovative approaches focused on translating insights into actionable results:

  • Behavioral Science – Leveraging behavioral science and AI to personalize change efforts and identify the key drivers of behavioral shifts.
  • Data – Utilizing data to generate insights, measure impact across the enterprise, and enable leaders to adapt change strategies in real time.
  • Influencers – Expanding networks of influencers, both internal and external, to use trusted voices to effectively drive and sustain change.

These six capabilities form the core of Accenture’s Change Capability Quotient an indicator that links change practice maturity to the success of transformation initiatives. Their research demonstrates that organizations who score highly on the Change Capability Quotient are 2.2 times more likely to be Reinventors.4

Adopting Change as a Core Competency

For businesses to thrive in today’s volatile environment, change must be seen as more than just a necessary response to external pressures — it should be embraced as a core competency. Per Karalee Close, Global Lead of Talent & Organization at Accenture: “Today, all leaders need to be successful at leading change in order to develop culture and activate strategy — it’s fundamental to growth, resilience, and innovation. It’s not just about keeping up — it's about creating positive change to get ahead. Only by approaching change less as an art driven by intuition and more as a science backed by data and evidence, can organizations navigate the complexities of modern reinvention.”

This shift in perspective is particularly crucial as organizations grapple with the rapid adoption of new technologies such as GenAI, which are fundamentally altering the way work is done. To keep pace with these changes, companies must not only adapt their processes but also cultivate a culture that views change as an opportunity for growth rather than a disruption to be managed.

Building the Future Alongside Continuous Disruption

The ability to navigate continuous change and disruption is no longer just a desirable skill—it is a critical determinant of success in the modern business landscape. As Chris Raimondo, Americas Insurance Technology Consulting Leader at EY, emphasized during an InsurTalk podcast interview with Guidewire’s Laura Drabik, insurers need to honestly assess the levels for innovation and disruption within their organizational cultures, define capabilities necessary for bold innovation, and then work to develop these capabilities throughout the enterprise.5

By embracing change as a core competency and strengthening the six capabilities outlined in Accenture’s Change Capability Quotient, organizations can transform into dynamic, resilient entities capable of driving innovation and achieving sustainable growth. The key to redefining change lies in viewing it not as an obstacle but as a pathway to greater opportunities. By embracing change as a fundamental aspect of organizational strategy, insurers can unlock new potential, outperform their competitors, and shape the future of the insurance industry.

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  1. Accenturehttps://www.accenture.com/us-en/insights/consulting/total-enterprise-reinvention
  2. Accenture – https://www.accenture.com/content/dam/accenture/final/accenture-com/document-2/Accenture-Change-Reinvented-Report.pdf#zoom=40
  3. McKinsey – https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/raising-the-resilience-of-your-organization
  4. Accenture – https://www.accenture.com/content/dam/accenture/final/accenture-com/document-2/Accenture-Change-Reinvented-Report.pdf#zoom=40
  5. Drabik Digest – https://drabikdigest.com/?ppplayer=5095025e9c5a57efb2f3ebe0709f405b&ppepisode=0c21af6664a712df012a82357d946800

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